Saw this cover at Reed Space, which also has coach jackets with the word "studio" where a sport would be. The Singularity seems to be upon us, Captain.
"There’s something to be said for the romance of the napkin sketch—the informality of the gesture, the unidentifiable food stains. That said, if you had access to proper office supplies at a tapas bar, what better excuse to hold off-site staff meetings? Madrid designer and Fabrica alum Sandra Bautista, whose work was included in 2006’s “Feeding Desire” exhibition at the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, reloaded this standard tapas bar napkin holder with notebook paper. “It’s a small intervention,” she says, but a useful one."
He sees our distraction as a full-blown epidemic—a cognitive plague that has the potential to wipe out an entire generation of focused and productive thought. He compares it, in fact, to smoking. “People aren’t aware what’s happening to their mental processes,” he says, “in the same way that people years ago couldn’t look into their lungs and see the residual deposits.”
People who frequently check their e-mail have tested as less intelligent than people who are actually high on marijuana.And, And:
The Internet is basically a Skinner box engineered to tap right into our deepest mechanisms of addiction.
CHOI: Well, when I got the letter, I was extremely angry. I was angry -- I mean, the letter is basically saying bottom line, Lieutenant Dan Choi, you're fired. You're a West Point graduate, you're fired. You're an Arabic linguist, you're fired. You deployed to Iraq, you're willing to deploy again, doesn't matter. Because you're gay, that's enough grounds to kick you out.
But the biggest thing that I'm angry about is what it says about my unit. It says that my unit suffered negative good order -- negative actions -- good order and discipline suffered. That's a big insult to my unit.
I mean, all the insult that the letter can do, to say that I'm worthy of being fired, you know, that's nothing comparing to saying that my unit is not professional enough, that my unit does not deserve to have a leader that is willing to deploy, that has skills to contribute.
"Men like the same item the same way over and over again. I wear mine until they’re finished, and then I want the same exact pair."The same applies for every piece of clothing I own. Justin R. Saunders, fashion person, NYT.
Baudelaire was right: "Genius is nothing more nor less than childhood recovered at will."Although scientists have long held the lack of a functional prefrontal cortex responsible for all sorts of "childish" behaviors, researchers are beginning to realize that, sometimes, it might actually be better to allow the prefrontal cortex to loosen its grip.
The immaturity of the baby brain comes with another advantage: utter absorption in the moment.A recent brain scanning experiment by researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that jazz musicians in the midst of improvisation - they were playing a specially designed keyboard in a brain scanner - showed dramatically reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex. It was only by "deactivating" this brain area that the musicians were able to spontaneously invent new melodies. The scientists compare this unwound state of mind with that of dreaming during REM sleep, meditation, and other creative pursuits, such as the composition of poetry. But it also resembles the thought process of a young child, albeit one with musical talent. Baudelaire was right: "Genius is nothing more nor less than childhood recovered at will."
"My bummin' slummin' friends have all got new boots
An' someone just asked me if the group would wear suits"