The Dictator as a Young Poet-Thug (NYT Book Review)
Actually WWII was largely fought by leaders who had weird personal habits: watercolorists, nightowls, salami-eating pseudo vegetarians--so I am not sure about this claim. But I did think of The Steve running circles around his non-New Balance wearing competitors when I read the lines above.
Based on the photo of glamourous young Stalin with his New Romantics hairdo, the moral bankrupcy inherent in Sexy Che Guevara icon -tshirts looks less like an aberration and more like the norm.
I can definitely see this portrait of Stalin making it as a t-shirt among the Young and Useless.
Fucking primates are retarded.
While I am on this tangent, I highly recommend Spain's comix bio of Stalin featured in Arcade #4 about a zillion years ago. I can't find a direct link, but go hit the comics bins, this one is worth it.